Robert Lindquist

Robert's Latest Interactions
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” (C.S. Lewis)
Friendships come in all shapes and sizes. Usually the best ones are honed over many decades, but not always. I had the rare good fortune to find true friend and a kindred spirit in Bob Lindquist in the relatively short time span since our 50th reunion. We first got to know each other while working together on the DMHS classmate-finding project in 2007. His intellect, his wit, and his broad knowledge & experience made for conversational magic during our weekly phone updates. Often they stretched out to an hour or more, long after our reunion business was concluded.
Bob was the kind of person who had a way of making one feel important and special. He was a great listener, empathetic and attentive. Always discussions with him were peppered with that unique laugh of his. (I can close my eyes & hear it now.) Always he was interested and interesting, fun and funny. It’s no wonder our acquaintance easily grew into a cherished, close friendship. He cared, and he let you know he did.
Over the last decade I’ve visited AZ often, spending time with my brother in Cottonwood and with Bob at his home in Phoenix. In early July this year, Marlene Johnson & I visited him in his new assisted living home in Scottsdale. He was, as Rich Cross mentioned here, genuinely happy to be there and was doing OK. He was delighted to have the needed extra care the place afforded him and always maintained an upbeat attitude despite the fact that, as he put it, Parkinson’s was rapidly taking its toll. He kept that attitude right up to the end.
I isn’t easy to lose such a special person in my life, but it’s what happens as we get older. I am only grateful to have known this extraordinary man for as long as I did. I’ll ne’er forget him and will always miss him. RIP, Bobby.
Bob ("Link") was one of the few members of our OJHS/DMHS class with whom I had kept in touch on a regular basis through the years -- or, more accurately, through the decades. A truly special person. Among other things, he never lost persective, always had a joke or light-hearted banter to share, and cared about things... well... that are worth caring about! Always there for others, and a safe harbor in a storm. We talk a lot about "values,"nowadays. One value" I hold onto was Bob Lindquist and 60+ years of friendship.
Bob Hunter
Rest in peace, Bob !!! So many memories form our Oradell school days...dancing class, Boy Scout dances, class projects. You will be missed !,